Business Analysis

Tesla Mission and Vision Statement Analysis

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Tesla Motors, Inc. is an American automaker, power storage company, and solar panel manufacturer specializing in electric vehicles and power trains. Tesla implements and retains energy generation and storage and generates electric car and energy storage systems. On the other hand, Tesla is best renowned for its great automobiles. It was established in Silicon Valley by engineers who needed to challenge the idea that electric vehicles could outperform gasoline-powered cars. Thanks to a solid corporate image and rising popularity, the company is well-positioned to compete in the modern electric vehicle market. The fulfillment of the business mission and vision is a predictor of Tesla’s improving efficiency and business development.

Tesla, Inc. adheres to its corporate vision and mission statements to concentrate its enterprise on electric cars and similar items such as solar panels and battery packs for automobiles and other applications. However, the latest market and business changes have forced the company to rethink its corporate mission statement while maintaining the same corporate vision statement for the moment being. Current strategies and business initiatives accompany these differences. The following is an examination of Tesla’s mission and vision statements.

Mission Statement

Tesla Motors’ core mission has evolved, adapting to changing market conditions and demands while staying faithful to its fundamental values.

In 2006, Tesla’s website featured the first mission statement, which read:

“To create long-term shareholder value by offering high-performance fully electric vehicles.”

In 2012, it became “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport.”

The mission remained relatively consistent until 2015 when it was changed to read.

“To accelerate our transition to sustainable transport with ever safer cars that are accessible for all.”

Tesla is an innovative and sustainable vehicle design, manufacturing, and sales company.

They hope to hasten the transition to sustainable mass transit by delivering superior electric vehicles and power storage. A further mission statement is as follows:

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable transport.”

Tesla’s mission statement describes the industry’s core importance, which, as discussed in the first piece of writing, would be to verify that electric vehicles could outperform internal combustion engine vehicles. The firm’s primary purpose is to help the world decrease its reliance on fossil energy and transform it into a relatively clean world through renewable power. Tesla manufactures electric vehicles and power storage and installs and maintains energy generation and storage.

In some ways, the new corporate mission acknowledges the firm’s battery packs and associated energy storage products’ significance in markets other than the electric car market. The following elements are noteworthy in Tesla Inc.’s mission statement:

  • To hasten the world’s transition
  • To renewable energy

The "to accelerate" element of Tesla’s corporate mission statement sets up the company’s position in pressing the market forward into sophisticated technology for viable business and sustainable power products. The company’s mission statement also mentions "the world’s transition," implying that the company expects to hold the largest market share for electric cars and related products.

This component is directly related to the focus on the global market in the corporate vision statement. Furthermore, the shift from "sustainable transportation" to "sustainable energy" demonstrates that Tesla, Inc.’s corporate mission statement emerge to reflect the company’s current strategic goals.

Vision Statement

Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, has done all of that in his authority to create the company a significant player in the car sector. He sees a future in which Tesla is not only a car manufacturer but also a utility company.

Elon Musk has been pressuring for breakthroughs in two significant areas to reach this aim: battery technology and sustainable sources. He asserts that electric vehicles are a great way to accomplish super-duper emission levels that benefit communities and the planet.

Tesla is making inroads into the luxury market with its high-end models. Because of the higher price points, it will generate more revenue.

He also seriously thinks that charging points are essential since the range of electric vehicles is limited compared to gasoline vehicles.

Elon Musk’s vision statement for Tesla is to

“Create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

This vision is divided into two parts. The first is the brand image, and the second is the product. The most convincing automaker has a firm idea of a viable future with a good brand image and generates actual benefit. A vision statement is a map of the coming years. It articulates a company’s future desired stance. However, Tesla’s vision statement is ambiguous in this respect.

This corporate vision highlights the company’s commitment to renewable energy. The corporation mentions the electric vehicle market as highly ranked for enabling future growth of global renewable energy. In Tesla Inc.’s vision statement, the following elements are essential:

  • The most compelling 
  • Automobile company
  • The twenty-first century
  • The global shift to electric vehicles

Tesla, Inc. seeks to become the most riveting company in its vision statement. This element denotes corporate management and excellence. The company achieves this goal by incorporating high-tech into its electric vehicles and related products. On the other hand, the "car company" characteristic of the corporate vision focuses on Tesla Inc.’s attempts at manufacturing cars. 

The company’s electric car design and manufacturing management meet the "21st-century" requirement. This component implies that the company will use cutting-edge methods to solve current issues, such as nature stewardship. The fourth component refers to the company’s overall objectives.

Core Values

Tesla’s core values consist of “doing the best, taking risks, respect, constant learning, and environmental consciousness.” 

Tesla uses these principles as the guiding rules that underpin all stakeholders’ and its workforce’s overall attitudes and practices.

The main focus on achievement has helped Tesla advance technologically, as the company inspires its staff to take significant risks while going to drive advancements. Furthermore, Tesla’s achievement thus far seems to have a lot to do with corporations promoting respect among the various players that come into touch with the business. 

A supportive environment improves everyone’s general knowledge, which results in outputs that align with Tesla’s environmental safety principles. Its core values are as follows:

  • Tesla is dedicated to hastening the expansion of renewable energy. It has been accomplished by manufacturing valuable electric vehicles, aviation fuel, and solar panels. They have produced several attractive investments with the hope of creating photovoltaic power as affordable to everyone as possible. Furthermore, they have been working on massive battery systems that can be partnered with renewable power terminals to enable those channels must provide consistent power.
  • Elon Musk founded Solar City, a solar roof company that aims to generate sufficient electricity for their customers’ necessities without mandating them to download costly and unsightly rooftop solar panels.
  • Tesla has started to promote a "long-distance" improvement for the Tesla Model S and Model X, enabling consumers to keep driving from Los Angeles to New York without needing to charge. In addition, the business will give a superfast alternative for drivers who need to add variety quickly.
  • Tesla’s core value is to ensure that customers are always satisfied with what they receive.

Tesla Mission and Vision Statement Analysis Mind Map

Key Takeaways

Tesla, Inc.’s mission statement is adequate to represent the corporate goals. It legally limits the types of products sold by the company, the business extent of the corporation, and the company’s market presence. Nevertheless, it doesn’t provide enough details about Tesla’s overall organizational development. As a result, one suggestion is to optimize the company goals by including more information about its methods of achieving its corporate vision.

Tesla Inc.’s vision statement captures the company’s goals. It does not regrettably cover existing business ventures. While the corporate mission statement has been updated to include "sustainable energy," the corporate vision remains focused on "electric vehicles."

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