PNG and PDF formats are quite popular for their compatibility and ease of use. While PNG is the most updated of the duo in terms of quality, we also know that PDF has its unique advantages and is by far the most popular format for exporting images and documents. However, which of the duo offers the best format for images? Is it best to use PDF or PNG for images?
In this short article, we will explore the best format for images PNG or PDF so you will be better informed to make the best choice for your files.
Overview of PNG
PNG is an acronym for Portable Network Graphics and it is ideal for storing vectors, logos, and text including visual charts. This file format is highly optimized for all types of web graphics and supports your original image sizes. You can duplicate images into different files and maintain the same quality even after saving and editing them.
It is also important to point out that, unlike other image formats, PNG files cannot be compressed to a size that will lead to image quality loss. This file format has an inbuilt feature that retains transparency and color depths. It allows you to see the finer details of an image.
Overview of PDF
PDF is an acronym for Portable Document Format and is designed for the storage and sharing of documents. PDFs are widely accepted file formats that allow for maximum compression. They are easy to share and they also have protective features. PDFs are by far the most popular formats because of their high compatibility.
Image files are of different types and PNG and PDF are just two of the numerous versions online. In actual sense, PNG is an image file while PDF is a document file format though it can also be used to save images as well. While they have their perks and drawbacks, one will outperform the other given certain conditions.
Deciding on the one to use will depend on the feature that is most important to you. PNG is a less compressive format. It allows users to reduce file sizes but only by a fraction, otherwise the quality of the image will be affected. PDF format on the other hand can be used to store multiple vector images so they can be easily shared to others via the internet. During sharing, PDF proves to be an ideal format since files can be opened by almost anyone. If you are still in doubt as to which option to save for your image, keep reading to learn more.
Which Option Should You Use For Your Images?
When considering the best option for your images, there are five key factors to be mindful of. These include resolution, file size, format, color profile, and the intended platform. Here is a quick guide on how you decide on the best choice.
1. File Size: If file size is of utmost importance to you PNG may be your best bet because it is much smaller than PDF and will take up minimal space in your device. PNG stores only images and not other data like a raster data. It compresses the image suitably without compromising the quality. So if size is of the essence to you, we recommend PNG over PDF.
2. Quality: When it comes to quality, the PNG format wins it yet again because it is designed to retain the original quality of image details like color and other relevant data. This is why PNG files have a much better color resolution and image quality than PDF files. PDFs create a replica of an original file but the quality is never the same. It may display the HD quality in documents or images but the quality of the icons and logos will be compromised.
3. Share Value: The easiest file format to share on the internet is PDF files and there is no contest. PDF is highly reliable and can retain image quality and resolution but not in all aspects. If you have files you plan to disseminate to a wider network you should consider sharing them in PDF. It is Compatible with social media platforms but a few of them don't accept PDFs with Facebook being a common example. You can also share your file in PNG format but if you want a widely accepted format, PDF is ideal.
4. Web Use: PDF is highly versatile and compatible with different programs but may not be ideal for web design and editable projects. PNG on the other hand is great for web projects. You may opt for one or the other as they have their strengths and weaknesses.
However, a major drawback with PNG is that it is a little tricky to print images in this format, unlike PDFs which use a straightforward process. PNG lacks features like CMYK color which results in an absence of color separation.
5. Transparency: If you want your images to be presented in a transparent format, especially logos, and vectors you should consider PNG over PDF. For PNGs, the image background can be modified with ease but this is incredibly difficult with PDF files as you will have to undergo a lengthy edition process and the same results are not guaranteed.
In a nutshell, PNG format is more conducive for image saving over PDF. It is suitable for image quality retention and is easy to share and edit. PNG is also an excellent option for storing logos, icons, and different types of web designs. However, you will have to decide the best option depending on your unique situation for PDF or PNG for images. Considering PDF vs PNG for image storage and dissemination, the major difference is the suitability of PNG vs PDF for web designs.
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