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10 Essential Job Search Platforms: Compare and Contrast

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10 Essential Job Search Tools Compare and contrast popular platforms

Searching for a job can be tasking. The labor market is jam-packed with hundreds of equally qualified candidates applying for the same job as you. So, be extra armed before you can stand a chance to land that dream job. Many job portals are filled up and only a few people can access information on how to find their dream jobs. To enable you to make headway in your job-hunting, you must have access to information that others do not access. For one, you need information on the best job search websites to give you an added advantage. In this informative write-up, we will open your eyes to 10 of the best job search tips required to make your job search a lot easier. 


1. Job search websites 

Anyone job hunting can find help on job search websites. They are designed to make the process easier since jobs from different companies and categories are posted on the sites. A useful website for this purpose is One other job search website is You can apply for any of the jobs posted on the platform and also post your resume so that recruiters can find you. Many sites are free, enabling you to find jobs through them without paying a dime. 

Aside from LinkedIn and indeed, some other job search websites where you can find your dream jobs are highlighted below:

  • Glassdoor: There is no need to sign up before you can search for jobs on this site. It also serves as a salary research tool. 
  • ZipRecruiter: You can search for jobs on the platform using location and keyword. Companies can also reach out to you via their Get Recruited feature. 
  • CareerBuilder: They have been helping job hunters find their dream jobs for over 20 years and have several customizable search features to make job hunting easier.

Applying for jobs on these sites will be easier if you have initially completed your profile while registering. 

Job website


2. Browse company pages

You can take your job search directly to the companies instead of going through third-party job search websites. The only thing is that the company websites will not provide you with job search advice you can find on job search websites. If the companies have any job openings, they can list them on their websites. You can check the menu list, items, or dropdown on the website for a tab titled "Career" If it is not listed on the menu, scroll down to the bottom navigation menu for “Career”  “Work with us” or anything related to that. Click on the link to proceed. 

Once the page opens, you can see a list of jobs on the website. Check if they agree with your field and start the application process. 

Before you proceed with a job application on any website, review the website for reliability so that you do not end up with scammers on job search platforms. The review will also show you what the past employees of the company have to say regarding working conditions. 

company website

3. Connect with professionals 

If you have friends in the professional world, it is time to link up with them while searching for a job. Your friends may know one or two companies that need someone to fill a position related to your field and connect you. They can also provide you with job-hunting tips that can make the process easier for you. Do not forget that these professionals must have been in your shoes in the past and will, therefore, know how to get your dream job. Partnering with them can make the job-hunting process a lot faster. 

Since they must have been in the profession for a longer period too, they can hint you about reliable companies and those that you must avoid. This way, you will not end up with scammers or companies with poor working conditions. If a job opening is available in their companies, your professional friends can assist you with application processing. Even if there is no job opening within their companies, they can link you up with others. 


4. Check your industry association 

Another way to get a job faster is to connect with your industry association. As a registered association member, you can access several opportunities hidden from the general public. Many job industries offer a series of resources to help their members get better at their jobs and find jobs. Being an association member will be beneficial since you can get updated about jobs faster. Many companies prefer openings to be filled by professionals, and, therefore, bring information about new job openings to industry associations where they can find suitable people for the job. 

When searching for jobs on industry association platforms, you can use the available job search tools for faster outcomes. To do this, type the job keyword in the search bar and every job posted under that category will appear. If you haven't joined your industry-related association yet, go online and search for it. Joining the association will brighten your chances of getting a job faster. 


5. Your corporate alumni networks and collegiate can also help

Connecting with your school of higher education can help you to get a job faster. It is possible a job opening comes up in the institution and they will be glad to hire you since you are an alumni. If there is an alumni association in your school of higher learning, it can also become one of the best job search resources for you. If any other member is aware of job openings, they can post it on the alumni social media group, allowing you to see the job posting before many others do. So, your chance of getting that job will be higher. 

Consider discussing with the professors and guidance counselor in your former school about job openings on campus. Even if the school doesn’t have a job opening yet, these individuals can link you with other institutions or companies they are acquainted with. Do not keep silent regarding your need for a job since help can come from any source. 


6. Check career-based and industry magazines

One other tool to employ while searching for a job is a career-based magazine. The magazines serve the same purpose as career-based organizations mentioned above and they have proved to be one of the most reliable job search strategies over time. Check if the organizations associated with your profession publish magazines or journals and make sure you go through these documents frequently. Purchasing a new edition each time it is published can be of great help to you. Most of these journals and magazines have sections dedicated to job openings. Scan the section for jobs related to what you desire and apply without delay. Since your profession is related to the job opening, your chance of getting a job will be higher. 

Some magazines are published solely to assist those who are searching for jobs. Aside from listing job openings, such magazines also provide helpful job search tips and insights that can make you look more desirable to recruiters. 


7. Search local career fairs and job boards 

Your job search should be taken to all available portals until you can find one, including local portals. Find out about the local career fairs that will be taking place and make sure you are in attendance. It will allow you to meet other professionals like yourself and interact with them one-on-one. The established professional relationships can boost your job-hunting effort. You can discuss potential job opportunities with them and get informed about internship opportunities. Since you are a professional like them, they will be more disposed to discuss available opportunities with you. Make sure you take your resume along with you when going to the career fairs. Local job boards can be counted among the best job search websites for those who do not mind getting hired in their locality. 


8. Your religious organizations can help out

No stone should be left unturned until you find your dream job. Never ignore the religious organizations you are affiliated with when searching for a job. It is one of the best job search tools for connecting you with jobs in your locality and beyond. Many of the religious bodies out there today connect their members to job resources where viable jobs are announced to their members. 

If job openings come up in the companies where members of your religion work, they can make it known to you in the spirit of that religion, giving you a brighter chance of getting your dream job. To make things faster, you can discuss with the head of your place of worship. If there is a job opening in a religious organization, he should know about it. Otherwise, he can link you with any of the members, who may have information about job openings. This method will work best for someone who does not mind working in a faith-based setting.     


9. Partner with the Department of Labor office in your state

Your state department of labor can meet your needs for jobs in your area of specialization. They can even connect you with opportunities for on-the-job training, enabling you to get trained while working for pay. The department is set up to help you get a job easier. Members of the department are trained to help individuals who are searching for a job. They can provide you with helpful job search strategies that can quicken the rate of getting a job. To further help job seekers, the department will also recommend several resources to help you get your desired job faster. If you do not know where your local department is, you can get ample information about them online. 


10. Online job directories

Online job directories can be the perfect job search resources, enabling you to get the right job. Recruiters and employers post jobs on online job directories. All you have to do is go through the list of jobs and pick the one you are qualified for. You can apply for the job on the job directories too and your application will be automatically submitted to the recruiter. 

However, you must register an account on the employer's website before you can apply for any of the jobs announced on the platforms. The registration process is easy and it will not take much time. Some online job directories will require that you submit your resume and they will forward the resume to the recruiter. Using the sites is free of charge.



Q: Which mobile applications are good for searching for jobs?

  • LinkedIn App: It allows searching and applying for jobs on the move, and networking with your industry people.
  • Indeed App: Provides easy mobile job search, resume upload, and application on the go.
  • Glassdoor App: Company reviews, salary info, and interview questions make this app, combined with its job listings, a truly all-rounded tool for any job seeker.


Q: How can I improve my job search with networking tools?

  • LinkedIn: The ultimate professional networking tool. It's a way to connect colleagues, industry leaders, and recruiters. Share relevant content in the industry groups and engage with them. Reach out directly to people in a position to help you in your job search.
  • Meetup: Discover and attend in-person networking events in your area that are relevant to your field of interest. In-person networking may bring opportunities for jobs that are not posted online.
  • Shapr: A networking app using a swipe interface that is very much like dating apps, connecting professionals in your area or industry. Lunchclub: An AI-driven networking platform setting up either virtual or in-person meetings with other professionals sharing your interests in your career. Any tools for negotiating salary and benefits?


Q: What are some tools for improving my online presence while searching for a job?

  • LinkedIn: A fully optimized LinkedIn profile is paramount. Ensure that your profile is current with new job experiences and skills, has a running list of your accomplishments at your fingertips, and that you are engaging with content from your industry.
  • Personal Website: Tools like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress will let one have a personal website or online portfolio for work, accomplishments, and professional storytelling.
  • Google Alerts: Set up Google Alerts for your name to help manage your online reputation and make sure there is nothing unprofessional that links back through to your brand.



If you have searched endlessly for jobs but have not been successful so far, it is high time you tried any of the methods described. If you follow the job search advice provided above, it is a question of time before you get that dream job. You do not have to be an expert in job search before any of the methods above can work for you. Every opportunity to get a job must be considered; there is nothing bad in discussing it with the head of any religion you may belong to. 

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